الخميس، 19 مايو 2011

Besieged Church of the Virgin into the sun postpone the break-Maspero, and Muslims gathered in front of the church with stones

Besieged Church of the Virgin into the sun postpone the break-Maspero, and Muslims gathered in front of the church with stones 

Decided Matsamu Maspero continue to sit, until the end of the crisis the Church of the Virgin and Saint conclusion estate Atef into Sun Bank, and the Diocese of the bell, after they have decided to go and clean the place, but the news of the citizens surrounded the Church of the Virgin and Saint conclusion estate Atef sun into the Western rejection of the opening led topostponed pending the resolution of protest what is happening. 

A group of people of Ain Shams Street had forty surrounded Church of the Virgin, refusing to open 

He warned the citizens, whose number exceeded four thousand people, chanting "da not opening .. this is not the Church de factory", chanting slogans that will not allow the opening of the church, forcing the central security to hold them for after all entrances to the church three, aged between 17 and 26 years from the people of the region, including risk registered on their faces "Bfalt", was informed of the army to tighten security and prevent any clashes. 

And spread of citizens gathered Ahmed Esmat Street station until Zahra Ain Shams and forty, and the youth threw a brick church building, which takes the form a rectangle. 

Etjmr now a group of Salafis in front of the Church of the Virgin and Saint conclusion estate Atef into the western sun and say it Hfh over our dead bodies .. And they are stirring up Muslims and the crowd 
We hope to appreciate the help from abroad and from the country's foreign and international media to deal with the situation and the perception of the event 

Help the Copts of Egypt .. Churches burn .. And the destruction of 

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